Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Department of Philosophy
Course Description




COURSE CODE                             DESCRIPTION                        UNITS
SS/PHI/101:               INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY                       3 UNITS

Introduces students to the study of Philosophy by discussing: The nature of philosophy. Relation of philosophy to other disciplines. The reasons why we study philosophy. Illustration of philosophical thinking will be taken from the works of the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary thinkers, like; Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Heidegger, Kant, Rorty, etc. in the area of Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Political Philosophy, etc. The various periods in the history of philosophy will be considered as well as its value to man and society. Some philosophical problems like, Knowledge, Mind-Body Distinction, Human Free-Will, etc. will also be discussed. (Compulsory)

SS/PHI/102              ARGUMENT AND CRITICAL THINKING               3 UNITS
The critical nature of philosophical thinking. Types of discourses. The nature of arguments. Validity techniques for evaluating arguments. Methods of Critical Arguments: Identifying premises and conclusions in an argument. Questioning the first principles or premises and questioning the conclusion: methods of assessing arguments and Logical puzzles. Inductive and deductive thinking; consistency coherence, inference. Meaning and Definition: Rules of Definitions and Analysis of concepts. Informal fallacies. (Compulsory)

SS/PHI/103:                   PHILOSOPHY OF VALUE                   3 UNITS
The study of the meaning, content and source of value to man; objectivity and subjectivity. Value judgment and factual knowledge. Science and Value. Aesthetic Values. Examines some theories of Value. Relationship between religious and moral values. (Elective)

A study of the science of reading, learning and writing researched papers and theses. Emphasis is placed on the methodology of producing research papers like: term papers, long essays, theses and dissertations in philosophy. Different research methods are considered e.g. field methods, sampling, interview, etc. (Elective)

SS/PHI/105:                 ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY                    3 UNITS
The origins of philosophical thought. Philosophical thought in ancient Egypt and Greco-Roman civilizations and the study of ancient Greek and African philosophers like Thales, Anaximander, Anaxemenes, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hermes, Ptahhotep, Imhotep to Akhenatem. The development and comparison of the development, characteristics and contribution of each civilization to philosophy. A study of the prominent schools of thought in this period of history of philosophy. (Required)


SS/PHI/201:             INTRODUCTION TO EPISTEMOLOGY            3 UNITS                                                                 
Definitions of knowledge. Nature and values of knowledge. Sources and limits of human knowledge. Process and act of knowing, conditions and constituents, categories and types, and justification of human knowledge. A study of some major schools of thought in epistemology such as empiricism, rationalism, pragmatism, phenomenology, etc. (Required)

SS/PHI/202:                 INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC                    3 UNITS
Introduces students to the study of logic. Theory of definition and predication, truth and validity, deductive and inductive reasoning. Basic techniques for reasoning and evaluation of arguments in ordinary languages. Laws of Thought. Formal fallacies. The notions of the posterior and a prior. Arguments from analogy. Elements of probability, observation, hypothesis and scientific explanation and reasoning. (Compulsory)

SS/PHI/203:                          ETHICS                      3 UNITS
Ethics as a human science. The principles of right and wrong, good and bad behaviours. The role of conscience. Freedom and determinism in moral decision-making. Natural law as the norm of morality. Analysis of key concepts in ethics: ends and means, justice, natural rights, moral responsibility, authority, crime and punishment. Objectivity, Relativity and Subjectivity of ethical norms. The divisions of ethics: Normative, Descriptive, Meta-Ethcs and Applied Ethics. The Differences between Ethics and Morality and the distinction between Moral, Amoral and Immoral. Reasons for being moral, like: The Divine Command Theory, Fairness or Common Interest Reason, Benefits of Morality to the Moral Agent Reason and Morality is Right Reason. A study of Major Ethical Theories like; Teleology, Deontology, Emotivism, Existentialism, Prescriptivism, Intuitionism, Natural law, Utilitarianism, Situationism, Ethical Relativism and Absolutism, Ethical Subjectivism and Objectivism. Situation Ethics, Feminist Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Fallacies in Moral Reasoning, etc. (Required)

SS/PHI/204:                     MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY                 3 UNITS
The works of the early Christian Thinkers (Neo Platonism) and the Aristotelian influence on the Scholastic thinkers. Jewish and Islamic scholars like, Moses Maimonedes, Avicenna and Averroes.
The writings of Christian Philosophers: Justine Martyr, Clement of Alexandria, Gregory of Nyssa, Origen and Augustine, and Pseudo-Dionysius and Boethius, Anselm, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus, Williams of Ockham and Francis Suarez. The Islamic and Jewish Scholars: Avicenna, Averroes, Maimonides, etc. (Elective)

This course on Social and Political Philosophy focuses on the evaluation of political beliefs, concepts and principles especially as it pertains to the evolution of society and man’s existence in relation to the society. It concerns itself with examining concepts like liberty, equality, justice, democracy, power, government, etc. Major political theories like: Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Liberalism, Ujamaa, etc., to give students a good foundation for understanding political society in general. (Elective)

SS/PHI/206:                  INTRODUCTION TO METAPHYSICS                 3 UNITS
Nature, content and methods of metaphysics. Relationship with other disciplines, differences between scientific and metaphysical explanation. The criticism against metaphysics by Kant and the Logical positivists. Beings as the focus of metaphysics: Its concepts and transcendental properties or attributes. Basic principle of being: act and potency. Essence and existence, substance and accident, cause and effect, space and time. Analysis of perennial metaphysical problems like; appearance and reality, universal and particular, change and permanence, mind and body relationship, freedom and determinism etc. (Required)

It focuses on discussions about some fundamental questions and issues in African thought, especially as it concerns the nature, scope and polemics surrounding the idea of African philosophy: Issues in definition, methodology, and language. Some important themes in African traditional thought in order to highlight how discourses in African traditional philosophy can be directed towards development efforts in Africa: Metaphysical Issues like African Ontology, God in African Ontology, The Concept of Spirit and the Human Person, Freedom and Determinism, etc. Existential Issues like: Human Life and Existence. (Compulsory)

SS/PHI/208:             PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY                 3 UNITS
The study of the philosophical and scientific explanations of man’s origin and conditions. The topics cover the range of all basic human activities including the biological, psychical, sensitive, intellectual and volitive activities. Deals with questions such as: Who is Man? What is man’s place in nature and evolution? What is the ultimate destiny of man as an individual and a social being? It will proceed taking in mind two complementary levels of inquiry: phenomenological and metaphysical. (Elective)
SS/PHI/209:                 PHILOSOPHY OF NATURE                             3 UNITS
Definition of Philosophy of Nature and its Relationship with other Sciences. Basic problems of the world we live in and about the nature. The Goal and Method of the Natural Sciences. Basic problems of Induction and Verification. The Philosophical Theories of Mechanism, Dynamism, Vitalism, Hylomorphism. The concepts of Change, Matter, Energy, Space, Time, Causality in the study of philosophers and scientists of the ancient and modern eras. (Elective)


SS/PHI/301:                     METAPHYSICS                         3 UNITS
Outline of the major concerns in metaphysics. Differences between scientific and metaphysical explanations. An understanding of the traditional issues in metaphysics, meaning and ontology, God, Person, Mind, Chance, Freewill and Determinism, Substance, etc.  (Required)

SS/PHI/302:                                  SYMBOLIC LOGIC                          3 UNITS
A general introduction to symbolic logic. Deductive arguments. The notion of validity and soundness. Logical constants. Propositional calculus. Formal Techniques for evaluating arguments: Truth Tables, Formal Proofs of Validity, Basic Concepts of Predicate Logic. Elementary Syllogistic Arguments. (Required)

SS/PHI/304:                 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE                   3 UNITS
The Nature of Science and the Philosophy of Science. Hypothesis, Laws and Theories of Scientific Investigation. The Ontological Status of Theoretical Entities and Models. Problems of Scientific Rationality. Progress in Science and Causality in Science. (Elective)

SS/PHI/306:             EARLY MODERN PHILOSOPHY                 3 UNITS
A study of the prominent philosophers from the 17th century to the 19th century: Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Spiniza, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Feuerbach, etc. Philosophical schools of thought like: Idealism, Materialism, Realism, Rationalism, Empiricism, Positivism, Pragmatism, Existentialism, etc. (Compulsory)

SS/PHI/ 307:                  AFRICAN PHILOSOPHY                     3 UNITS
Historically examines the content and structure of African philosophy in the 17th – 19th Century. It Delineates the Modern Period in African Philosophical Thought from a Conceptual Framework of Theory and Knowledge. It examines African early contact with Europe and its consequences: Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Colonialism, Decolonization and Neo-Colonialism. And finally, the course shall also examine the ideas of some major Sub-Saharan Thinkers of the 17th – 19th Century. (Required)

SS/PHI/ 308:             PHILOSOPHY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES                 3 UNITS
Meaning and Nature of the Philosophy of Social Sciences. Comparison of the Natural and Social Sciences. Issues of Observation, Laws and Theories, Hypothesis and Explanation in both the Natural and Social Sciences. Philosophical Study of Some Major Theories of Society such as Functionalism, Structuralism, etc. (Elective)

SS/PHI/309:                   PHILOSOPHY AND LITERATURE                         3 UNITS
Relationship of Philosophy and Literature. Inquiry into the Criteria of Evaluating Literature. Examination of Selected Literature containing insights that are significant for Ethics, Epistemology, Social and Political Philosophy. Philosophical Scrutiny if African literature. (Elective)

SS/PHL/ 310:          PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION                 3 UNITS
The Nature, Content and Scope of Education to Society. A Historical Survey of Education in Nigeria. Educational Theories and Schools like: those of Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Comenius, Rousseau, Dewey, Awolowo. The Traditions of the Idealists, Naturalists, Existentialists, Pragmatists, Reconstructivists, etc. (Elective)

SS/PHI/311:                   PHILOSOPHY OF   RELIGION                            3 UNITS
The Nature, Origin and Scope of Philosophy of Religion. Faith and Reason. Critical Study of Various Theistic Arguments such as Ontological, Cosmological, Teleological, Moral Arguments, the Arguments from Special Events. The Problem of Evil. Philosophical Scrutiny of Religious Concepts such as God, the Soul, Sin, Redemption, Immorality, Miracles, Revelation. The Relationship between Religion and Ethics.  The Problem of Religious Language. (Elective)

SS/PHI/312:                         AESTHETICS                    3 UNITS
The Study of Some of the Central Problems in the Philosophy of Arts like: The Nature of Art and the Character of Aesthetic Experience. The Concept of Beauty. The Problems arising in the Interpretation and Evaluation of the Works of Art. The Significance of Changes in Fashion, Standards of Taste, Norms of Literary Truth in Literature, Aesthetic Judgments, Metaphysical Status of Works of Art and the Concept of Imagination. (Elective)

SS/PHI/313:                 PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE                       3 UNITS
The Nature and Function of Language. Meaning of Truth and Reference. Theories of Meaning. Natural and Artificial language. Language and Reality. Ontological Problems concerning Language and Thought. The language issues in modern African thought and philosophy. (Elective)

SS/PHI/316:                     EPISTEMOLOGY                            3 UNITS
A survey of the traditional theories of knowledge like; Correspondence, Coherence and Pragmatic theories of knowledge. A detailed study of some selected theories and issues in epistemology, like: The Nature and theories of Truth (Correspondence, Coherence, Pragmatic, Semantic, and Redundancy Theories). The Theories of Perception. The Nature, Process, Form and Values of Certainty and Scepticism. The Question of Epistemic Justification and the Theories of the Structure of Justification, like: Foundationalism, Coherentism, Contextualism, Foundherentism, Reliabilism, etc. (Elective)

SS/PHI/317:                 COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY                3 UNITS
A Comparison of Certain Themes in African, Oriental and Western Philosophies. The Concept of Human Nature and Human Existence in Buddhism and Existentialism. The Concept of Tao in Hinduism and “Absolute Spirit” in Hegelian Idealism. Theories of Ideal state in Plato, Awolowo and Nyerere; The Ethics of Confucianism, and the Ethics of Traditional African Philosophy. Buddha, Aristotle and Awolowo as Moral Teachers. “Being and Truth” in Wiredu and Berkley etc. (Elective)


SS/PHI/401:                   ADVANCED EPISTEMOLOGY                              3 UNITS
Study of the Nature of Traditional Epistemology and Contemporary Epistemology. The Shift from Foundational to Contemporary Trends in Epistemic Justification: Naturalized Epistemology and Kuhn’s Deconstruction of Foundational Epistemology. Contemporary Theories of Epistemic Justification and the advocates of these Theories like Social Epistemology: Feminist Epistemology, Virtue Epistemology, and Collective Epistemology. Epistemologists like Ernest Sosa, Alvin Goldman, Code, Mirander Fricker, Linda Zagzabeski, etc. (Compulsory)

SS/PHI/403:                        APPLIED ETHICS                    3 UNITS
Studies the Development and Transfer of Technology, Capital Punishment, Abortion, Child Abuse, Social Justice (reverse Discrimination, Feminism, Apartheid, Ethnicism, Eugenics, Nuclear War, In-Vitro-fertilization, Euthanasia, etc.) The Place and Relevance of Ethics in Human Situations. Application of Ethical Principles in Different Areas of Human Endeavour like, Education, Medicine, Industry, Commerce, Business, Engineering, Politics, Sports, etc. (Elective)

SS/PHI/406:                      RECENT MODERN PHILOSOPHY                         3 UNITS
Study of the Origin, Nature and Development of Analytic Philosophy. Trends in 20th Century Philosophy: Logical Positivism, Linguistic Analysis, Logical Atomism, Ordinary Language and Common-Sense Philosophy, The Theory of Language and Meaning, etc. Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wiitgenstein, Edward Moore, Rodulf Carnap, A. J. Ayer, Strawson, Davidson, Kripke, etc. (Required)

SS/PHI/407:                 ISSUES IN AFRICAN PHILOSOPHY                         3 UNITS
A Survey and Analysis of Schools in Contemporary African Philosophy. Selected Issues such as: African Identity, Language and Culture, The Rationality Debate, Problems in Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Ideas. Democracy and Democratization will be considered. A Study of selected African Thinkers like; Nkrumah, Awolowo, Wiredu, Oladipo, Hountondji, Oruka, etc. (Required)

An Introductory Study of the Nature, Development and Influence of Existentialism and Phenomenology, and the Theory of Interpretation. Analysis of Themes like: Meaning of Life, Individual versus Society, Existence or Non-existence of God. Freedom and Decision. The Hermeneutic Circle. Study of the Thoughts and Writings of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre, Heidegger, Hurssel and Buber, Schleiermarcher, Dilthey, Gadamer, Habermas, etc. (Elective)

SS/PHI/409:                 THOMISTIC TRADITION                            3 UNITS
The Aristotelian background to Thomistic Ontology: Being, Act, Potency, Matter and Form, Knowledge and Accident, Essence and Existence. Thomistic theory of Knowledge, Ethics and Politics. (Required)

SS/PHI/411:                 PHILOSOPHY OF LAW                     3 UNITS
Philosophical study of Basic Issues in Law, like The Concept and Nature of the Law, The Notions of Natural Justice, Legal Responsibility, Legal Rights and Obligation. Study of the Nigerian Legal System. It helps students to appreciate some of the major concepts, issues and debate in the area of contemporary legal philosophy. Emphasizes the various dimensions of Law in correlation to morality and other norms of social cooperation. (Elective)

SS/PHI/412:                    PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY                 3 UNITS
Basic Issues in the Philosophy of History. The Nature and Status of Historical Inquiry and Explanation. Historicism and Historiography. Hollim and Individualism. Determinism in History. Speculative Philosophies of History. The Status of Oral History. (Elective)

SS/PHI/413:                    PHILOSOPHY OF MIND                            3 UNITS
A Historical Survey of the Notion of Mind and Consciousness. The Function of the Mind in the Process of Knowing. The Relation between the Mental Phenomenon and the World. Mind-Body Controversies: Dualism, Parallelism, Monism, etc. The study of the views of Brentano, Husserl, and others on the problem of other minds. (Elective)

SS/PHI/414:                 MARXIST PHILOSOPHY                                   3 UNITS
A Study of the Dialectical Materialism of Karl Marx. Examination of Selected Works of Karl Marx: German Ideology, Holy Family, Das Kapital and Communist Manifesto. Analysis and Evaluation of the Development and influence of Marxism today. (Elective)

SS/PHL/416:                     LONG ESSAY                    6 UNITS
An essay to be written under the supervision of an approved lecturer as a detailed and researched study of a major philosopher, school of philosophy, or a problem in philosophy. (Compulsory)



SS/SOC/101:                         SOCIOLOGY                    2 UNITS
A brief consideration of the nature and aims of the behavioural sciences. Concepts and methods employed by sociologists today. A consideration of some of the main issues in sociology and ethics. A brief consideration of the different systems of customs, origin and development; analysis of processes by which customs persist and change. (Elective)

SS/SOC/102:             INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY               2 UNITS
Psychology as a science. The Definition, Nature, Scope and Branches of Psychology. Psychology and other related disciplines. The basis of human behavior and motivations; perception; memory thinking and behavior change. General principles and practice of motivation in various situations.  Psychological theories of human learning, processes and techniques. Abnormal behavioral patterns. Ethnicity, race and group relations. (Elective)

SS/RCS/101:                INTRODUCTION TO SCRIPTURE                              2 UNITS
The course presents a general overview to the Bible, providing reading tools to be able to navigate into the world of the Scriptures. The course focuses on the origin of the Bible, its nature and composition. The question of authorship and historical criticism are also put in perspective. The notions of inspiration, inerrancy and canonicity are also considered. The divisions and broad outline of the various books in Bible from Genesis to Revelation. How history and archaeology have affected the study of the Bible. (Elective)

SS/RCS/102:            INTRODUCTION TO PRAYER                    2 UNITS
A study of the importance of prayer as integral part of formation to the Catholic priesthood. How to foster relationship with God. To prepare and assist other people in the future to relate well with God. Types and methods of prayer. Progress in prayer, including sacramental life. Liturgy of the hours. Problems and questions on prayer, with the means for tackling them.  (Elective)

SS/RCS/103:            INTRODUCTION TO LITURGY                    2 UNITS
The essential meaning of worship, essence and purpose of the Liturgy; principles and practice of Liturgical education in view of renewal. (Elective)

SS/RCS/104:                     VATICAN II                        2 UNITS
This course is aimed at underlining how great intuitions which emerged from the celebration of the Second Vatican Council, and which are fixed into the sixteen documents have effectively marked and distinguished the life and the theology of the Catholic Church in the last five decades. (Elective)

An overview of the history and civilization of the African continent from the pre-colonial to the post- independence areas. Particular emphasis is laid on West Africa, especially Nigeria. The impact of the Christian Church on African history and civilization in highlighted. It studies the historical origins of the different Nigerian peoples; the Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Kanuri, Igala, Edo, Efik, Ibibio, etc. The physical and ethnic traits and features of these peoples. The interactions among neighbors and the political organization of these peoples. The problems with their socio-political organization: the emergence of states, kingdoms and empires. Makes a comparative study of their economic, social, religious and cultural values and systems. (Elective)

SS/MUS/101:        THEORIES AND PRACTICE OF MUSIC                 2 UNITS
The theory and practice of music: both sacred and secular. Music in African cultural context, especially Nigeria. The place of music in the religious worship; its evaluation and fundamental characteristics. The basics of music: identifying and reading musical notes. (Elective)

SS/LNG/101:             COMMUNICATION SKILLS                     2 UNITS
Studies the rules and methods of pronunciation. The course introduces sounds of English speech: systematic vowel and consonant drills, stress, rhythm and intonation. (Required)

SS/LNG/103:                  INTRODUCTION TO LATIN                    2 UNITS
Basic grammar and the syntax of the Latin language. Translation from the simple Latin text. Fundamentals of “Church” Latin, with practical examples drawn from simple liturgical texts of the Catholic Church. (Elective)

SS/LNG/104:             INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH                     2 UNITS
A graduation course in the grammar, syntax, comprehension and usage of the French language, with special emphasis on the spoken language. (Elective)

SS/LNG/105:             NIGERIAN LANGUAGES                    2 UNITS
Basic grammar syntax of the major Nigerian languages like; Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. All other languages in Nigeria spoken by students from the area in the Seminary. Exercises in translation, composition and comprehension in the language chosen. (Elective)


SS/SOC/202:                SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION               2 UNITS
Overview of approaches and perspectives in the sociological study of religion. Major patterns of religion. Problems of analysis and interpretation shall be discussed. The course examines social cultural differentiation. The social teachings and practices of various religions; Christianity, Islam, and African Traditional Religion. The influence of religion on the society. (Elective)

Definitions of administration, organization and management. The dichotomy between administration and management. Fundamental concepts of organization and Management. Theories of motivation, including interviewing, counseling and office practice. The evolution of management thought. Modern operational management theories. Theories of organization leadership and decision-making. The work attitude in Nigeria. (Elective)

SS/RCS/209:                OLD TESTAMENT PSALMS                 2 UNITS
This course is a critical introduction to the Psalms. The course surveys the literary, historical, social and political background of the Psalms, their literary forms, main themes, structure, theology and relevance to modern times. The course objective is to help the student toward a greater appreciation and understanding of the Psalms as poetry and their place in the worship life of the Judeo-Christian tradition. The course is designed to assist in developing a greater appreciation for the Old Testament worship manual, the Psalms. (Elective)

SS/RCS/218:                HISTORY OF ISRAEL                   2 UNITS
Examines the history of Israel from the conquest of the land of Canaan to the exile.  The amphictyony/tribal league, the judges, the quest for kingship, the monarchical period and the eventual fall of Samaria and the Babylonia captivity. The challenges of the Canaanite culture and religious worldview on the Israelites. The content of the historical books. (Elective)

The course studies the Christian Spirituality starting from the Early Church, including the monastic development, persecutions and the Earliest Church Fathers. The influences of St. Augustine and St. Benedict of Nursia are profoundly treated. An exposition of the Mendicant Order: The Dominicans, the Franciscans and the Carmelites. This is followed by a study of mysticism; its place in Christian Spirituality and examples of its different forms. A study of the Protestant Reformation and the Society of Jesus and its missionary challenges. An in depth look into the following Missionary Societies and congregations: the Comboni Missionaries, the Missionaries of Africa and the Society of the Divine Word. A close look into African Christian Spirituality in the context of the African Traditional Religion. The Spirituality of the Laity and current Ecclesial Movements are studied. Schools of Christian Spirituality: Benedictine, Dominican, Franciscan, Ignatian, Carmelite, Augustinian. Trends and features in contemporary spirituality in relation to the traditional schools will be treated. (Elective)

SS/LNG/201:                 ADVANCED ENGLISH                    2 UNITS
Appreciation of the English culture through the reading of prose, poems and classical English works. (Elective)

SS/LNG/203:                    ADVANCED LATIN                         2 UNITS
Further studies in grammar translation and reading of Latin texts with specific reference to Liturgical texts. (Elective)

SS/LNG/204:                 ADVANCED FRENCH                    2 UNITS
A further study in the comprehension and usage of the French language with emphasis on the spoken language. (Elective)

SS/LNG/205:                        NIGERIAN LANGUAGES                    2 UNITS
A supervised seminary course designed to give training in the use of Nigeria languages with emphasis on catechetics and homiletics. One hour per week every semester for all.


SS/SOC/305:             PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION                     2 UNITS
The purpose of this course is to objectively examine religion and spirituality from a psychological perspective. Perspectives in Psychology of Religion and the history behind the study. Evaluates the main avenues through which religion positively and negatively affect both individuals and society. Understanding of how religion impact on the lives of individuals with different personality composition and group conducts. Psychological investigations of issues relating to conversion, prayer and the subconscious. The study of human and animal behavior. (Elective)

SS/SOC/306:             CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY                   2 UNITS
A study of the relevance, meaning and importance of anthropology and culture. The nature of society and the influence of culture on man. (Elective)

SS/EDU/302:             GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING                2 UNITS
Introduction to guidance and counseling techniques; information data collection; characteristics of guidance and counselors (innate and acquired); organization of the counseling session. Testing, record keeping and test analysis in guidance and counseling. Identification techniques for various problem sources of clients. Therapies of various types. Practicum and simulation exercise and self-counseling practices; auto-suggestion.  (Elective)

The multi-dimensional nature of development problems in African countries. The problems of poverty, unemployment and structural deficiencies in African countries. Emphasis on theoretical, quantitative and policyoriented complexities of the issues of contemporary development in Nigeria. (Elective)

SS/RCS/303:            CHURCH IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE               2 UNITS
This course studies the early or Ancient Church of Christ – 6th century, as a foundation to all periods in history. The main focus at this period will be the Jerusalem Community Church of the Apostles, the persecution and the preaching outside Jerusalem, the Conversion and the Missionary activity of Paul, the Church in Rome and the attitudes and policies of the Emperors (Nero, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, etc); the age of Constantine and his dynasty. Church and State relationship up till 495 under Theodosius 1. Some Popes (Gelasius, Damascus, Miltiades, Leo 1, Gregory 1, etc.) and some early heresies like Gnosticism, Montanism, Manichaeism will also be accentuated. The existence of the Church in North Africa (Egypt, Magreb, etc.) and then the emergence of monasticism and its spread to Europe will be part of the course. (Elective)

SS/RCS/318:                CHRISTIAN MATURITY                    2 UNITS
Understanding and appreciation of Christian virtues and their universal applications with particular emphasis on charity, poverty and obedience. Spiritual combat and integral, ongoing conversion. Application of Christian in the life of priests. Growth in the mature use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (Elective)

SS/RCS/319:                PATROLOGY 1                        2 UNITS
The Course is on the African Church Fathers (Patrology 1). It is a systematic exposition of the life, writings and Doctrines of the Fathers of the Church with an emphasis on their contributions to the development of the Trinitarian, Christological and ecclesiological debates and eventual doctrines in the Church. (Elective)

SS/LNG/305:                NIGERIAN LANGUAGES                    2 UNITS
A supervised seminary course designed to give training in the use of Nigeria languages with emphasis on catechetics and homiletics. One hour per week every semester for all. (Elective)


SS/SOC/407:                 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT                2 UNITS
The aims, methods of community development in general: application to the Nigerian situation. (Elective)

The fundamentals of civil law and the place of human right are considered. The Nigerian civil law is used as a case study. Emphasis is placed on the constitution. The history and element of universal declaration of human right is also considered. The relevance, meaning and importance of anthropology and culture is considered. The nature of society and influence of culture and man are also considered. (Elective)

SS/RCS/409:                    THEOLOGY OF ORDERS                     2 UNITS
Studies the relevant documents of Vatican II on “Priestly Formation” (Optatam Totius) and Ministry of Life of the Priest (Presbyterorum Ordinis). It considers issues on the priesthood with particular reference to Africa. (Elective)

This course is an introductory course to theology. It begins with a preliminary examination of some definitions of theology and goes on to treat some related issues like divisions of theology, the sources of theology and the three important traditions in Western Roman Catholic Theology, (Augustinian, Aquinas’ and Neo-Scholastic). The course further examines some of the contemporary methods or approaches to theology, (Transcendental, Hermeneutic, Correlation, Liberation and Analytic). The course also discusses some important Concepts and Themes in theology such as Revelation with special reference to the Dogmatic Constitution on the Word of God “Dei Verbum,” and Faith. (Elective)

SS/RCS/417:                 CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION               2 UNITS
General introduction to the History of Religious Education.  Relationship of Religious to moral Education. History and philosophy of education in Nigeria. Religious psychology. General methodology of religious education. The Church and State in education. Agents of Christian religious education. Missionary education and Government take-over of schools in Nigeria. Christian education of children and adult through field work and teaching practice. (Elective)

SS/RCS/418:              PRINCIPLES OF LITURGY                  2 UNITS
The essential meaning of worship, essence and purpose of the liturgy. Principles and practice of liturgical education in view of renewal. (Elective)

SS/RCS/419:                SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT               2 UNITS
This course examines the nature and the meaning of discernment (discernment of the spirit and the will of God). It looks at the spiritual and the historical bases for the Church’s teaching on discernment, rules of discernment and the usage. (Elective)

SS/RCS/420:          SOCIAL TEACHINGS OF THE CHURCH               2 UNITS
Sources of the social teaching of the Catholic Church in the sacred scriptures, the fathers of the church. Development through the Rerum Novarum. Encyclicals relative to social teaching. Development since Vatican II. (Elective)

SS/RCS/421:                     MISSIOLOGY                       2 UNITS
The concept of mission. Scriptural foundations. The missionary vocation of the Church. The teaching of Vatican II. A brief historical overview of the Church’s missionary activity, with particular reference to Africa. Mission territories and their governance. (Elective)

A broad view of sacramental theology in general. It considers the ecumenical dimension of sacraments, the meanings, history and the views of some theologians like; Saints Ambrose, Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. Evaluates the different positions and contemporary trends in sacramental theology by reviewing the works of Karl Rahner, Joseph Martos and John Macquaire. (Elective)

SS/RCS/430:               ACTS OF THE APOSTLES                  2 UNITS
Studies the literature and theology of the Acts of the Apostles with special attention to the growth of the early church. The relation of Acts to the gospel of Luke and the place of the Acts of the Apostles in the history of Christianity. (Elective)



SS/GES/101:                 USE OF ENGLISH                    3 UNITS
This is an intensive, practical and skills-oriented English Language Course, especially designed to enable students to develop and appreciate usage of the language. In particular, the course is aimed at developing in the student, the four language skills, i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as study and library skills. (Compulsory)

SS/GES/104:              SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND MANKIND                        2 UNITS                              
This course is built around the central question of the nature of the relationship between science and mankind. It examines the focus of the enterprise of science and its relationship with development, religion, truth, and democracy. It takes a look at the ides of science as a culture and its interaction with other human cultures, with particular reference to the future of mankind. (Required)

This course focuses on development of renewable natural resources such as crops and livestock. It is designed to introduce students to the various fields of agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine, as well as create the awareness of the relevance of agriculture to their day-to-day existence. (Required)

SS/GES/106:                 PHILOSOPHY AND LOGIC                 2 UNITS
An introductory course to sensitize students to the relevance of philosophy. It is divided into two parts: philosophy and human existence and logical thinking. The first part introduces the students to the meaning and significance of philosophy to human existence and especially their search for meaning and value in the universe. The second part is a specific introduction to the crucial place of critical thinking in any human endeavor. (Required)


This course provides students with knowledge and critical understanding of reproductive health, human sexuality and sexual health, including epidemiology, prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases with emphasis on HIV. It is envisioned to help students equip themselves with the knowledge and skill to protect themselves against HIV infection and other STis as well as prepare them to serve as agents of change in their present and future communities in the global efforts to control the scourge of HIV/AIDS. (Required)

SS/GES/201:                    USE OF ENGLISH II                            3 UNITS
It studies the effective use and command of modern English language both in writing and speaking. (Compulsory)

Introduction to computer appreciation: uses of the computer, computer language, information processing potentials, computer and the contemporary world. (Elective)

SS/GES/301:             ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS                    2 UNITS
This course aims at re-orientating students towards a job-creation mindset rather than the fixed attitude of job-seeking. It is meant to equip students with the skills required in establishing businesses or making them add value to existing systems, if employed in organizations. (Required)




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