Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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The Seminary programme is characterized by love and fidelity to the Catholic Church and her Magisterium and by the conviction that the Ordained Priesthood is a calling to a unique participation in the one priesthood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the interrelated components of priestly formation – human, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral – are directed towards the formation of each seminarian as an alter Christus (another Christ), obedient to his Bishop, ready to preach the Gospel, administer the sacraments, and like the Good Shepherd, cater for the spiritual needs of God’s people.

The Seminarian is expected to spend a total of 8 calendar years in the seminary. One of these is dedicated to pastoral activities, which provided seminarians with opportunities for learning pastoral skills for their future ministry. During the period of his entire formation, the seminarian is encouraged to perceive the seminary as his home, and the formation process as a continuous lifetime endeavour, one which continues during holidays and even after ordination.


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Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan. (SSPP)