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"Anyone who is not against us is for us"
By Fr. Joseph Iyamah
Wed, 23 May 2018

7th week in Ordinary Time


First Reading: Jas 4:1-17

Responsorial Psalm: Ps 49:2-3, 6-7, 8-10, 11

Gospel: Mark 9:38-40


Jesus’ teaching today is directed at the proper attitude and relation we should have with others. Instead of pettiness, envy and intolerance, Jesus demands forbearance and open-mindedness toward all; especially those carrying out good work in his name. We are to shun “better-than-thou” and judgmental-attitudes towards other people, who talk about God in ways different from ours. Like the disciples in today’s gospel, we sometimes exhibit petty arrogance, demeaning and condescending attitudes towards those that are not in the ‘same league’ with us. The Lord needs us all; our working together will yield more results than our working against one another.

In the same vein, James, on his part, warns against presumptuousness, advising that our conversion to the faith must wholly reflect our reorientation of putting all our being and undertaking under God’s providence, since he is in control not us.


Prayer: Lord, teach us to place our trust and hope in you; and may pride not derail us from the path to heaven. Amen.


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