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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Professor Michael Asuzu never ceases to enthrall us with his professional gusto, frankness, zealousness for the faith and priesthood, and his acquaintance with Church laws and principles.     

His first statement at the December 5, 2018 Sexuality Talk in the seminary auditorium brought thought-provoking. He said, “The Church does not need new priests, the Church has enough priests, many of whom are unserious including myself.” The last phrase – “including myself” made his statement more of a joke knowing he is not a priest. However, intelligently, he invoked the idea of common priesthood, and identified our collective negligence, and shortcomings within the Church. About the ministerial priesthood, he stated, “what the Church needs are holy, celibate, consecrated priests. If you doubt this and you are not trying to work towards this, then, you should not be here.”

Prof. Asuzu clarified the difference between sex and sexuality. He traced the psychosexual phases of the development of the human person vis-à-vis the C. S. Lewis’ types of love. With this, he made an astounding yet simple and lucid analogy of the experience of love in a human person. At its peak is the Agape which exists regardless of changing circumstances, the love of God.

Lastly, he charged us, “if you possess chastity, it will be better for the Church and your priesthood will be effective.”


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