Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Friday, October 26, 2018

Indeed, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell in unity (Psalm133:1). To foster such unity, the seminarians converged on Tuesday 23rd October 2018, to discuss issues pertaining to the growth and enhancement of the community. During the forum, concerns and challenges were presented by class representatives and appropriate responses were made by those concerned. As expected, Jemibor Peace (Mr. Bodoja 2018/2019) gave his speech.We were astonished and awed by the poetic and inspiring address. He called for honest living, a life worthy of the priestly state.

The Three Prefects took turns to respond to issues raised proper to their offices. The Third Prefect, Benjamin Hayioye appealed that efforts should be made to ensure the actualization of the student initiative project.  As the prefect in-charge of discipline, the Second Prefect, Michael Iwuchukwu implored his fellow-seminarians to do the needful and desist from any act inimical to holistic formation. Lastly, the First Prefect, Eseola ‘Laolu Emmanuel challenged his brother-seminarians to show forth their talents and explore the opportunities available to develop Great Bodija and in turn develop themselves. As he gave the closing remarks, he charged each one to honestly pursue his vocation in accord with the promptings of the Holy Spirit and respect for the seminary rules.


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