Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Saturday, October 27, 2018

After sports on Tuesday evening, 23rd October 2018, the students gathered at the seminary auditorium for the first edition of the Dean of Students’ Conference for 2018/2019 session. The Dean, Fr. Joseph Iyamah officially welcomed seminarians, especially, those in First Year Philosophy and the Pastoral Year returnees. He charged the prefects to take their duties seriously, especially, the Floor Prefects whose duties are essentially to care for, moderate and oversee the affairs of their fellow-seminarians in together with the formators assigned as Floor Deans. According to him, Sports and Community Service are integral parts of the seminary life as the former enables relaxation and good health; while the latter ensures the beauty and maintenance of the seminary compound.

As a caring father would, Fr. Iyamah also spoke on the importance of adequate rest, personal hygiene, punctuality and comportment at seminary programmes.


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