Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Sunday, June 10, 2018

The different stages of formation to the Catholic Priesthood were beautifully presented by the new Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis as the Propaedeutic, Discipleship, Pastoral and Configuration stages, all of which are geared towards forming the candidate into being a true disciple of Christ. The stage of Discipleship represent a period when special attention is given to the human dimension, in harmony with spiritual growth, so as to help the seminarian mature in his definitive decision to follow the Lord in ministerial priesthood, by embracing the evangelical counsels in a way proper to this stage. However, this stage also requires that the seminarian acquires necessary knowledge of Philosophy and of the human sciences wherein he is equipped with the rational tools required for the effective proclamation of the gospel; a period which should not be less than two years.

Having successfully journeyed from the 2nd of October, 2014 till this present year (2018), the members of the Final Year Class of the Philosophy Department of Ss. Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, gathered in unison to appreciate God for the success of their studies and endeavours in the department. These moments of joy began with the celebration of the Sung Vespers in the evening of the 9th day of June, 2018. The Holy Mass, which was the climax of the event, was celebrated on Sunday, 10th June, 2018, having Rev. Fr. Augustine Famoriyo as the Chief Celebrant, as well as the presence of other priest formators, the members of the graduating class (diocesans and religious), other seminarians, and some lay faithful. The atmosphere was indeed of appreciation to God and to everyone who had journeyed with them through the various moments of their formation years. Though the end of a phase it is for them, they are at the same time poised to be launched into the field for a year experience of pastoral activities in various capacities. As we wish them the best, we seek the maternal care and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary over them, so that, like her, they may dedicate themselves towards doing the will of God.


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