Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
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Wednesday, May 23, 2018


In the fourth session of the sexuality seminar, held on the 23rd of May, 2018, two basic concerns were discussed namely: a) The Inter-play of the Id, Ego and Super-Ego in our sexual emotion and its proper management. b) Management of cases of Child Abuse Using Sigmund Freud structural model of the Psyche, Sr. Evarista Ezeani discussed how we can properly use the psychic apparatus of the Id, Ego and Super-Ego to manage our sexual appetite and direct it away from sin and immorality. According to her, every human person experiences the inter-play of the psychic apparatus of the Id, Ego and Super-Ego in execution of any action. While the Id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends and the Super-Ego, the part of the Psyche that plays the critical and moralizing role, the Ego is the organized, realistic part of the psyche that mediates between the desires of the Id and the Super-Ego. Thus, for one to be morally upright his Ego needs to be well informed and formed so as to efficiently moderate the excesses of the Id and Super-Ego. She proposed that this formation is made effective in the proper discipline we give to our senses of vision, smell, touch, taste and hearing. Therefore, we must avoid the friendship/communion of those things, company (of person or persons), place, views that defile us and make us less Christian. Furthermore, Fr. John Popoola emphasized that creating good boundaries around us would be very is effective in enabling us to be properly disciplined and more efficient. These boundaries can be a strong No or Yes or regulation we give to ourselves such as not using our bed rooms as areas of hospitality for our visitors, not accommodating female visitors in the rectory throughout the night (father’s house), not accommodating visitors in the night (except for serious and urgent pastoral necessities), to mention but a few. He further noted that our boundaries must not be self-centered or selfish and must be properly evaluated so as not be a hindrance to our pastoral responsibilities. Therefore, our boundaries should be flexible to accommodate situations of necessity such as urgent sick calls, plea from penitents for confession, etc. As a continuation to last discussion on Child Protection, Sr. Esther Amowe brought up case study issues to digest her teaching on proper management of child abuse. In discussing these issues, she emphasized the procedures and social techniques of recognizing, responding and reporting issues of child abuse. With respect to proper management of child abuse issues, she admonished that we should always consult the appropriate authority for assistance and avoid trying to manage issues that are really not within our expertise. Like the rest sessions, this session was very enlightening and educative as this session round off the sexuality seminar for this academic/formative session.


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