Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Wednesday, April 25, 2018


One vital area of priestly formation is human formation. This aspect of priestly formation provides adequate means that allows for social and psychosexual maturation in view of an authentic exercise of the priestly ministry. A properly formed priest in the area of psychosexual human development according to St. Thomas Aquinas is likely to have an integrated spirituality that is founded on the right priestly attitude and integrity of character for grace built on nature. This goes to explain that a correct and harmonious spirituality in priestly formation necessarily requires acquisition of a well-structured human formation.

It is in line with the above that the seminary authorities initiated sexuality seminar for the candidates in the final year of theological formation for the catholic priesthood. The seminar is facilitated by a team of qualified resource persons who are schooled in the discipline of psychology, counseling and has credible reputation and experience in the art of imparting the catholic teaching and understanding of human psychosexuality. The facilitators are Fr. John Popoola, Sr. Evarista Ezeanyi, MMM and Sr. Esther Amowe, DHS.

The programme is divided into five sessions of approximately five hours (for each session) of intensive interaction and discussions on the various aspects of psychosexual human pformation. In the first session, the introductory session held on Wednesday, 25th April 2018, discussions were centered on the relevance of human formation for the Catholic Priesthood.

According to Pope Saint John-Paul II of blessed memory in Pastores Dabo Vobis No. 43, human formation is the foundation of all priestly formation. It promotes the integral growth of the person and allows for the integration of all its dimensions. Fr. John re-echoing the mind of Pope Francis in the New Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis No. 94 which clearly states that a properly informed and formed priest in the area of his human dimension would be very much effective in his pastoral ministry. He would exercise his ministry with integrity of character, astute psychosexual maturity and personal integrity. Such a priest would live out the discipline of celibacy responsibly because of his affective maturity. Therefore, a sexuality seminar for the deacon class preparing to enter into full pastoral ministry in their dioceses soon is well-conceived and formative owing to the serious damages the irresponsible moral lives of some priests involved in various sexual scandals (homosexuality, sexual relations with minors, adolescents and the vulnerable). These irresponsible acts have caused divisions in families and have led many to lose hope in God and trust in the Church. Thus the sexuality seminar would afford the targeted candidates the opportunity to understand human sexuality better and handle the gift of priestly celibacy with absolute commitment.

Furthermore, Sr. Evarista Ezeanyi facilitated discussions on the Biblical foundation of human sexuality. Reflecting on Gen. 2:18-23, she said that, apart from procreation, humans were also created for companionship. The passage Gen. 2:18-23 says; God made a helper for man out of his own ribs after causing him to have a deep sleep. This helper was named woman by man who called her the bones of his bones and the flesh of his flesh. From that moment hence forth, woman became the companion of man. That is why it is very natural for every man to feel a strong desire to be attached to a woman and vice versa. With this account of creation, the efficacy and primary aim for which God created of man and woman was to establish companionship. Thus, the question for us is: how is the search for companionship expressed?

Sequel to the above, the participants were shared into groups of six to deliberate on the above question sharing their experiences of companionship with the opposite sex. The responses were practical and very much inspiring and all departed with a deep sense of joy as the session was educative and enlightening.


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