Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
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Sunday, May 13, 2018

The unique character of the formation to the Catholic priesthood is its holistic and receptive nature, as it accommodates elements from various spheres of the human society which are not inimical to the principles of the seminary formation. This was indeed reflected during the week-long programme held by the members of the Nigerian Major Seminaries’ Association of Philosophy Students (NIMSAPS), from the 6th–13th May, 2018. The Philosophers’ week is usually a period replete with various activities ranging from the spiritual, intellectual and social spheres of life, in appreciation to God for the success recorded in the department during the course of each academic/formation session.

The opening session was held on the 7th of May, 2018, with a rally/awareness activity within the seminary compound. The evening of the same day witnessed the Mr. Plato competition – an intellectual activity which entails quiz and debate sessions on various issues revolving around philosophy and current affairs, in honour of the renowned philosopher, Plato. The moderators of this competition were Iwuchukwu Michael, Agih Vincent, Umueyen Gabriel and Adeosun Victor, while the contestants were Azubuike Emmanuel, Samuel Aguele, Oguntuase Victor, Isaac John, Ekpo Nicholas and Oguname Jude. The close of this session, however, had Ekpo Nicholas emerge as the current Mr. Plato of the department.

The 8th day of May witnessed the preliminary election of NIMSAPS executive in view of the next administration, and a football match between the various classes of the Philosophy department. The evening of the 9th of May, 2018, was stipulated for the Big Brother NIMSAPS Competition – a social competition which comprises of cultural dress presentations, delivering of impromptu speeches, poem renditions, and other light activities. It is one of the events which the students of the Philosophy department anticipate yearly, as it adds up to the various platforms where common brotherhood is experienced and shared in the seminary.

Nevertheless, the intellectual aspect is not undermined during this period, and this accounts for the symposium organized and held on the 11th of May, 2018 in the seminary auditorium. The programme, which started at 4:00pm, had three presenters who addressed various issues; Umeh Paul Miki – “Nigerian Youths are Lazy: A Misrepresentation or Fact”, Egbunowor Anthony – “Remedying Nigeria’s Utopic Democracy”, Sule Friday Emmanuel – “The Role of Philosophers and the Media in the Vanguard of National Development”, and was ably moderated by Hayioye Benjamin.

The remarkable celebration approached its terminus with the Grand Finale organized on the evening of the 12th day of May, 2018, wherein the final stage of the Big Brother NIMSAPS was accomplished, and Uche Charles emerged the current Big Brother of the department. The euphoria experienced by members of the department, sequel to the different sessions of the week, was brought to a dignified end with the celebration of the Holy Mass and thanksgiving on the 13th of May, 2018. The memory of this amazing event will linger in the hearts of its observers, and its tale told to future generations.


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