Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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2016/2017 Academic/Formation Session Kick-starts
Thursday, October 6, 2016

After the summer break, seminarians resident in the seminary resumed for the new academic/formation session on the 3rd day of October, 2016. On the 6th day of October, 2016, the academic/formation session was kick-started proper with the celebration of the Votive Mass to the Holy Spirit. In attendance at this liturgical celebration were the seminarians, priests and formators. Sequel to the homily, the formators and lecturers were called to renew their faith and pledge their unfailing fidelity to Scared Magisterial teachings of the Catholic Church.

The Holy Mass was presided over by Most Rev. Gabriel 'Leke Abegunrin, the Archbishop of the Metropolitan See of Ibadan. In his fatherly exultation, he admonishes that the gifts given to us by the Spirit must be put into use voluntarily. He further enjoins us to fervently ask the Lord to renew these gifts in us so as to renew the face of the earth. Other parts of Mass followed as usual. At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, the Archbishop declared 2016/2017 academic/formation session open.  

This was followed by an inaugural lecture delivered by the Associate Dean of Students of the Seminary, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Joseph Iyamah on the theme: Collaborative Ministry in the Mission of the Church: Effective Cooperation between Diocesan Clergy and Religious. The starting point of the lecture was to expose the true meaning of collaborative ministry, taken into account a canonical perspective. The lecture was centered on the importance of collaborative ministry especially in the current situation of mission. It highlights the causes, merits, demerits, problems and solutions to the current state of collaboration amongst diocesan clergy and religious in the Nigerian Church.

Afterwards, two new fomators, Rev. Frs. Victor Olaseeni and Kenneth Adesina were welcomed by the dean of studies, Very. Rev. Fr. Anthony Igbekele. In the rector's remarks, he announces the theme for the formation session as: Collaboration and Co responsibility in Priestly Formation


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