Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Inter-semester Break Activities
Saturday, March 3, 2018

After a rigorous examination period, the seminary authorities deemed it fit to observe a break from the regular school horarium. However, this break which spanned from the 22nd of February – 3rd of March, 2018, was not spent in idleness but had a program drafted to focus on the enhancement of the human formation of the seminarians. This year, the theme was on the education on human sexuality. This theme is so auspicious given the continuous increase in the cases of child abuse among Catholic clergymen in the universal Church. This crime has brought a huge shame to the face of the Church. Therefore, the seminary aims to curb the spread of it at the grass root level, through the positive awareness and a faith provoking teaching on the human sexuality to future priests.

During the course of the break, experts from various fields were invited to give seminars on the epidemic of child abuse and human sexuality from their field of expertise. The following were the experts and the title of their presentations during the inter-semester break:

        i.            Rev. Fr. Marcellinus Teko, (a Canonist): Abuse of Minor, the Vulnerable: The Church Perspective

      ii.            Barr. Victoria Akar, (a Civil Lawyer): Abuse of Minor, The Vulnerable: The State Perspective

    iii.            Dr. Paul Tunde Oyebiyi, (a Clinical Psychologist):  The Art of Counselling in the Formation of Priests: Expectations of the Lay Faithful from the Clergy.

    iv.            Sr. Elizabeth Agwu, (a Counsellor): The Limits of Priests and Seminarians in the Art of Counselling.

      v.            Bishop Emmanuel Badejo (the Bishop of Oyo Diocese) and Dr. Juliet Adamasenghe (a psychologist): Love with Responsibility: The Absurdity of Abortion and the Pastoral Responsibility of Priests and Seminarians.

    vi.            Dr. Ronke Thomas (psychologist) and Fr. Michael Odubela (Moral Theologian): The Prevalence of the "Me" Culture: An Evaluative Approach to the Rising Tide of Contraceptive Amongst the "Married" and the "Unmarried."

  vii.            Prof. M. C. Asuzu (a Medical Practitioner): The Life-Giving Love of the Marital Covenant: An Appreciation of the Sacrament of Marriage and the Gift of Family Life.

  1. Sr. Evarista Ezeani (Psychologist): Cancer Awareness.

The seminars were highly interactive, such that, at intervals, during a particular seminar, the general house was organised into groups for further discussions, deliberations and interaction. At the end, all who partook of this program benefited immensely from the wealth of knowledge that was passed down. The true success of the programs would be celebrated when, in hope, the cases of child abuse and sexual misconduct of clerics become a thing of the past.

During the inter-semester break also, the final year seminarians went to the Pastoral Institute at Ede, Osun State for a pastoral program. Also, some selected seminarians travelled to the All Saints Major Seminary, Uhiele, Edo State, to represent the seminary at an inter-seminary interaction.


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