Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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The Visit of Delegates from the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) to the Seminary’s Farm
Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Church has never failed to teach her faithful the importance of work and the dignity in labour. Work is an integral part of the human condition. It is aimed at enhancing and transforming the universe. It holds a place of honour because it is a source of riches, a source for a decent life, and in principle, it is an instrument against poverty (Proverbs 10: 4). It is a participation in the act of creation and redemption. By means of work, man governs the world. Thus, work was part of the original plan of God for man. This teaching was the very nucleus of the primordial encyclical on the social teachings of the Church, the 1891 Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum. In this Encyclical, a priority was given to the Agricultural labour since it is a special participation in the creative work of God. It is a direct adherence to the command to “subdue the earth” (Genesis 2:15).

In obedience to this command to subdue the earth, the seminary has embarked on an intensive farming project. She has acquired, for the good of the seminary and the alleviation of poverty at large, an extensive expanse of land of fifty-nine (59) hectares. Where various crops are currently being cultivated, ranging from plantain, pineapple, maize, vegetable, palm plants, and so on. This farming project is under the supervision of one of the seminary formators, Rev. Fr. Kenneth Adesina. It is an avenue for seminarians preparing for the priesthood to gain more agricultural experience so that, as priests they can enhance their pastoral commitment to an economically deprived nation.

As an encouragement to this project, on the 4th of February, 2018, the seminary farm was visited by some delegates from the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) led by Fr. George Ajana, the Director of PMS Nigeria and his partner Mr. John O’Niel from USA.


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