Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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NIMSAPS Inaugural Lecture
Friday, November 24, 2017

Prominent among the misconceived notions of the life and activities of the seminary by some members of the Church, adherents of other religions and some external observers, is the misconstrued idea that the Sacred Scriptures (the Holy Bible) is the only object of study in Catholic seminaries. This is however far from the state of affairs in the seminary, as the Church does not simply indoctrinate her faithful, especially candidates for the Priesthood, with religious teachings or her theological standpoints, but provide them with every tool necessary for a proper appreciation of the Truth which Theology reveals, one of which is the study of Philosophy (a branch of the social sciences); an appreciation of the saying of Justin de Matyr; a philosopher cum theologian: philosophiae est ancillae theologiae¬ – philosophy is the handmaid of theology. Predicated on the above therefore, the members of the Philosophy Department (NIMSAPS) of the Seminary of Saints Peter and Paul, Bodija, had her inaugural lecture for the 2017/2018 academic/formation session on the 24th of November, 2017. The lecture was titled, “On the Use of the Word “Actual” in Possible Worlds Metaphysics: The Perspectives of David Lewis and Alvin Platinga.” It was delivered by Rev. Fr. Joseph Ekong OP. Ph.D., and ably moderated by Mrs. Victoria Openifoluwa Akoleowo, in the seminary auditorium at exactly 4p.m. on the designated date.


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