Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Welcome Party for the First Year Seminarians
Friday, February 24, 2023

Welcome Party for the First Year Seminarians

With the matriculation of our First Year Philosophers, they become official members of our Seminary Community. Little wonder, on the evening of 24th February, 2023, the Seminary Community gathered in the refectory to officially welcome them into the Seminary. The Assistant Dean of Students- Rev. Fr. Victor Olaseeni, in his Opening Remarks, admonished them to give space for the growth of virtue and excellence in their lives. More so, he urged them to discover their talents and sharpen it to razor-blade quality, so as to contribute their quota to the life of the Seminary. It was indeed a warm atmosphere as it also gave room for speeches by individuals and Pious Societies that officially invited the freshers to their groups.


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