Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Sunday, May 8, 2022

On Sunday May 8, 2022, the Seminary of Saints Peter and Paul, Bodija, held a celebration to mark the Good Shepherd Sunday and the Centenary of Pontifical Mission Societies. The seminarians of St. Theresa Minor Seminary and the members of Holy Childhood Association, Ibadan Archdiocese, were part of the celebration.

The activities began with the celebration of the Holy Mass, which was presided over by Most Rev. Gabriel ’Leke Abegurin, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Ibadan Archdiocese. During the Mass, the homilist, Fr. Anthony Ovayero Ewherido, re-echoed the importance of the celebration, emphasising that the Pontifical Mission Societies have been of great help to the promotion of evangelization in third world countries. He said that Christ, the good shepherd, commits himself to ensure that the sheep is protected and attain salvation. He only demands that the sheep obediently listen to his voice and follow him all the days of their lives.

Afterwards, there was a talk which was delivered by Very Rev. Fr. George Ajana, the former director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Nigeria, on the topic, “Supporting Vocations and Churches in Mission Territories”. He explained that the Pontifical Missionary Societies comprise of four groups, namely: Propagation of Faith, Holy Childhood Association, St. Peter the Apostle and Pontifical Mission Union. These groups enjoy the Church’s approval; they dedicate themselves to the work of evangelization through prayer, missionary consciousness, raising awareness and finance for mission and vocation. Africa is the greatest beneficiary, and as such, a lot is required of us in terms of reciprocating their kind gestures, through prayers and acts of charity. The Archbishop, in his remarks, called on all to own and understand the Church and to give our time and energy in promoting the mission. After the talk, there were sporting activities like basketball, volleyball and table tennis. The Good Shepherd Sunday and Centenary of the Pontifical Mission Societies celebration was indeed an event of spiritual growth and enlightenment for all those who participated.


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