Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Sunday, March 20, 2022

            As part of the formative programme in our Seminary, seminarians are trained to appreciate the value of their culture and also to appreciate other cultures as well. One way of achieving this is by the celebration of the various cultures that exist in our Seminary community. This time, it was the turn of the Yoruba Liturgico-cultural group to showcase their culture, and they did so in a grand style.

The week-long celebration had a number of activities during the week, which included a film show, depicting the life of the Legendary Sango, who is presently regarded as the god of thunder. There was also an excursion to places of historical significance in Ibadan. On the fourth day of the week, there was a football match between the seminarians of the Lagos and Ibadan Provinces against those of Abuja Province. It was a delightful encounter which ended in a draw (1 – 1).  The Lecture that was organized was moderated by Rev. Fr. Lawrence Ogundipe SDV and the guest speaker was Rev. Fr. Michael Akinsode. Speaking on the topic, “The Place of Culture and Iwa Omoluabi in fulfilling the mandate of Ad Gentes Divinitus no. 10,” Fr. Akinsode stressed the place of character formation in achieving the missionary mandate of the Church.

The high point of the week-long celebration was the celebration of the Holy Mass on Sunday, 20th of March, 2022, in which Most Rev. Emmanuel Badejo was the chief celebrant. During the bishop’s homily, he encouraged all present to celebrate culture in order to preserve it. The second phase of the celebration, which was the cultural extravaganza, took place at the Seminary’s auditorium. The extravaganza featured cultural performances such as folklore, drama, Gelede dance and so forth, which portrayed the Yoruba culture by both students and guests. The Yoruba Liturgico-cultural week experience will, no doubt, help all who were involved to better understand and appreciate the Yoruba culture more profoundly.


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