Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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NACATHS Inaugural Lecture
Friday, October 27, 2017

Theology, as a field of study, continues to occupy a prime position in the entire formation programme designed for candidates for the Catholic Priesthood. Hence, beyond the acquisition of the knowledge of God in the classroom atmosphere, the Seminary continues to provide various avenues for her students to better appreciate the teachings of the Catholic faith and a proper knowledge of God. It is predicated on this that the National Association of Catholic Theology Students (NACATHS) organized her inaugural lecture for the 2017/2018 academic/formation session on the 27th day of October, 2017.

The lecture which was titled The Role of Mary in Priestly Formation was delivered by Rev. Fr. Charles Eke, OFM, and ably moderated by Rev. Fr. Daniel Mary Onyeayana, CMF. The guest speaker beautifully elucidated the state of Mary as the Mother of Jesus, the Son of God, emphasizing her immaculate conception and the place of her virginal conception. Mary’s role as mother to all, especially those who seek to respond to the call of her Son, Jesus Christ was also greatly acknowledged, as she continues to be the mother of all Christ’s faithful. Consequent upon this was the invitation to seminarians – young men being formed for the Catholic Priesthood – to develop proper devotion to Mary and always seek her guidance and intercession during the years of formation.  The proper assimilation of the lecture was evident in the moments of contributions and questions that followed the presentation. It was indeed an enriching moment for the seminary community.


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