Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

It was with a heart filled with gratitude to God that the Seminary Community admitted twenty-nine of her sons with the Rite of Candidacy as Candidates for the Catholic Priesthood, on the 25th of January, 2022. With this, they have taken the first recognized step towards the priesthood. This was done during the celebration of the Solemn Sacrifice of the Holy Mass on the Feast day of the Conversion of St Paul. It was presided over by the Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of Ibadan, who is also Chairman of the Seminary Commission, Most Rev. Gabriel ’Leke Abegunrin.

In his welcome address, the Rector, Fr. Anthony Ovayero Ewherido, thanked God for the gift of Holy Orders to the Church. He noted that the rite of admission is an annual ceremony whereby suitable seminarians who have applied, express publicly their desire for the priesthood of Christ. He enjoined all to pray that God will give the brothers, who have taken this bold step, the graces needed to continue in their vocation.

During the homily, the Archbishop noted that though the ceremony is simple, it is indeed very important, because without it a seminarian cannot receive other ministries. He remarked that the world today is in need of authentic conversion, similar to that of St. Paul. Consequently, Christians need to put in the same kind of effort and vigor that St Paul displayed during and after his conversion, in order to counteract the evils in the world today and to become true witnesses of Christ.

After the homily, the rite of admission was performed. The candidates declared their intentions to continue their training for Holy Orders before the Archbishop and the congregation.  He accepted their request and blessed them. With this, they became candidates for the Holy Orders. We congratulate them and pray for sustenance of vocation for them.


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