Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

            It was yet another milestone for Great Bodija, in affiliation with the Premier University of Ibadan, as she held the 36th matriculation ceremony for the 2021/2022 Academic/Formation freshmen. This event, which was held on the 1st of February, 2022, marked the official end of the registration process of the freshmen and the beginning of a life-long changing experience of studying.

            After the procession of the Matriculants, Formators and representatives of the University of Ibadan, the opening prayer was said and the anthems of Nigeria, the University of Ibadan and the Seminary were taken. Thence, the ceremony was declared open by the Director, Directorate of Affiliated Institutions, Prof. M. K. Akinsola who was representing the Vice-Chancellor, Prof Kayode Oyebode Adebowale. This was followed by the Rector’s address.

            In his address, the Rector of the Seminary, Fr. Anthony Ovayero Ewherido, welcomed everyone to the ceremony. He stressed the need for continued collaboration by both institutions, which will lead to proper acquisition of knowledge for sustainable individual and institutional development. He highlighted the relevance of philosophy to formation by stating that theology that does not listen to philosophy is deficient and philosophy that denigrates theological realities amount to nihilism. He urged the matriculants to make good use of the opportunity presented to them by working assiduously and rejecting everything that calls their integrity to question.

            In the address delivered by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Kayode Oyebode Adebowale who was ably represented by Prof. M. K. Akinsola, the Director of the Directorate of Affiliated Institutions, he called on the matriculants to imbibe the culture of excellence and hard work associated with both the Seminary and the University. They are to abhor behaviours that are inconsistent with the growth and development of both institutions. He lamented the awful situation of Nigeria especially the refusal of the president to sign the 2021 Electoral Amendment Act and charged academia to challenge the status quo through studious research.

            The highpoint of the event was the swearing of the matriculation oath, which was administered by Mr O. O. Dada, representing the Registrar of the University. With this, the matriculants officially became students of the University of Ibadan. After the closing prayer and benediction by Rev. Fr. Victor Olaseeni, the ceremony was declared closed by Prof. M. K. Akinsola.



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