Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Sunday, November 21, 2021

In union with the universal Church, the Seminary Community celebrated the Solemnity of Christ the King on 21st November, 2021, with great delight. Traditionally, this solemnity marks the Last Sunday of the liturgical year and it affords Catholics all over the world the opportunity to adore Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. As part of the activities to celebrate the kingship of Jesus Christ, Eucharistic procession is undertaken in various parts of the world. This is done to profess our faith in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and also to proclaim his universal reign both in this world and in the world to come.

For our Seminary, this year’s celebration of the Solemnity of Christ the King was peculiar in many respects, especially in the light of the ‘new normal’ occasioned by the corona virus pandemic. The celebration began with the Holy Mass in the Seminary’s Chapel. During his homily, Rev. Fr. Kenneth Adesina, the chief celebrant at the Mass, stated that the Kingdom of God is an everlasting kingdom.  He further explained that there are several images that illustrate our understanding of the Kingship of Christ.  However, we are to understand the kingship of Christ through the lenses of Daniel’s vision of the four beasts: Lion, Deer, Leopard and the strange beast with various elements. These four beasts symbolise those that ruled the people in hostility. Will God not redeem his people from such rulers? God’s kingdom cannot be destroyed.  In contrast with the hostilities of the four beast, Jesus has inaugurated a new kingdom of peace and tranquillity. It is this kingship of Christ that we celebrate every year on the Solemnity of Christ the King. The homilist called on all to live virtuous lives, keeping in mind that through our Baptism, we become citizens of the Kingdom of Christ. This makes us Christ-like before men. By the same token, the homilist stressed that we must work hard through righteous living, to bear good fruits. We remain in communion with Christ the King through our reception of and dispositions towards the Sacraments, so that the kingdom of Christ does not elude our grasp.

The Holy Mass concluded with the blessing of the Congregation with the Monstrance. This was followed by a solemn procession by the entire community through various locations in the Seminary compound and back to the chapel where we concluded with the Benediction. Christ is indeed the King of the universe. May he continue to reign as king over our lives and our world. Amen.


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