Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

It was all thanksgiving and joy for the entire Formators, Seminarians and Staff of the Seminary of Saints Peter and Paul, Bodija, Ibadan, as four of her illustrious Sons celebrated the Golden Jubilee of their Episcopal Ordination. The celebrants are: Anthony Cardinal Olubunmi Okogie, Archbishop Emeritus of Lagos Archdiocese; Most Rev. Felix Alaba Job, Archbishop Emeritus of Ibadan Archdiocese; Most Rev. Patrick Ebosele Ekpu, Archbishop Emeritus of Benin Archdiocese and Most Rev. Michael ’Tunji Fagun, Bishop Emeritus of Ekiti Diocese. The Seminary Community held a two-day program in honour of these great men who have worked tirelessly to nurture the seed of faith planted by the early missionaries.

The two day celebration began on the 26th of October with the arrival of the celebrants and other guests. Two of the celebrants, Most Rev Alaba Job and Most Rev Michael Fagun were present and the other two celebrants, who were excusably absent, sent representatives. Anthony Cardinal Okojie was represented by Rev. Fr. Christopher Atoyebi and Most Rev. Patrick Ekpu was represented by Rev. Fr. Paschal Omono. In the evening of that day, the celebrants were ushered to the field by the Esan, Yoruba and Igbo liturgical-cultural groups to witness a football match that was organized in their honour. Before the kick-off, the Vice Rector of the Seminary, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Anthony Igbekele, in his address, noted that this is a milestone achievement for the celebrants and for Great Bodija He noted that this was a once in a lifetime event and as such deserved the pomp and pageantry with which it is celebrated. The match which was between Lagos-Ibadan Provinces against Benin-Abuja Provinces was kicked-off by Most Rev. Michael Fagun and ended 4 goals to 3 in favour of Benin and Abuja Provinces. In his post-match address, the Bursar of the Seminary, Rev. Fr. Christopher Ojo, thanked God for the lives of the celebrants and thanked the celebrants for accepting God’s call to serve the Church.

After the football match, there was the celebration of the Solemn Song Vespers which was officiated by Very Rev. Fr. Anthony Igbekele. He thanked God for 50 years of faithful and unbroken service of the celebrants, to God and to the Church. He prayed for the needs of the seminary, the Church and our country Nigeria as well as for good health of mind and body for the celebrants.

Celebrating our Icons

Later at night of that same day, there was a gaudete night/dinner party in the students’ refectory with a good number of bishops and dignitaries in attendance. In his address, the Rector, Fr. Anthony Ovayero Ewherido, welcomed everyone to the occasion and thanked God for the gift of life, divine providence, sustenance, good health and protection over the lives of the celebrants and for the opportunity to celebrate their 50th Episcopal Anniversary with them. He remarked that it is a historic celebration for Great Bodija, one that will not be forgotten in a hurry. He noted that the lives of the celebrants have been of inestimable service and appreciated them for accepting the decision of the seminary to celebrate them. Finally, he enjoined everyone to enjoy the night with the various activities organized for entertainment. There was a dance presentation by the Esan liturgical-cultural group. The toast was given by Msgr. Emmanuel Bolaji Yakubu. He described how he met the celebrants and shared fond memories he had with them. As guest ate, they were thrilled with musical rendition by Crusaders Musical Band of Great Bodija. Different groups and individuals gave testimonies of the celebrants and congratulated them on this milestone achievement. Prominent among testimonies given was that of Most Rev Emmanuel Badejo, who said that the lives of the celebrants testify to the fact that loving and serving God is a full time job. Sharing his experience, Most Rev. Fagun said that while they were in the seminary, they studied hard, worked hard and played hard. They brought many innovations to the liturgy and the most important thing they did was to surpass the white missionaries. He admonished seminarians to be innovative and not to settle for mediocrity, as it does not lead to success. He gave four tips that helped them scale through the hurdles of Seminary Formation, namely: good attitude towards the priesthood, focus, single-mindedness and team work. He encouraged the formators to exemplify these in the work of formation, so that the seminarians in turn can grasp such imitable qualities. Finally, he appreciated all for their efforts towards making the event a success. The response on behalf of the celebrants was given by Most Rev. Alaba Job.  He said that none of the celebrants envisaged this great height and he traced their journey from the seminary through the priesthood and finally to episcopacy. Finally, he admonished priests to be faithful to their vows and to be obedient to their bishops. The closing remarks were given by Most Rev. Gabriel ’Leke Abegunrin. The Vote of thanks was done by Very Rev. Fr. Anthony Igbekele. The night events ended with the benediction by His Eminence, John Cardinal Onaiyekan.

Celebrating our Icons

On the 27th of October, 2021, the thanksgiving Mass was celebrated in the Seminary’s Chapel with a cardinal and a good number of bishops in attendance. The Mass was presided over by Most Rev. Augustine Akubeze, President of Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria and Archbishop of Benin City Archdiocese. In the homily delivered by John Cardinal Onaiyekan, he remarked that the foundations of the event we celebrate were laid in the hallowed ground of the Seminary. According to him, we only have to look at the celebrants to see how they have spent their lives in service of the sheep; not sparing themselves in defending the sheep from ravenous wolves. He remarked that the celebrants are a special breed because of the peculiar and delicate situations surrounding their ascent to Episcopacy. Conclusively, he stated that the celebrants have been part of the development of the Church and of the nation over the last half of the century. After the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist, the celebrants accompanied by everyone present, danced to the altar in thanksgiving to God.

After the Mass, the celebrants were escorted to the Seminary auditorium for the reception party and book presentation. There was a musical rendition by the St. Gregory’s Choir of Great Bodija to welcome everyone. The Rector, Fr. Anthony Ovayero Ewherido, in his opening address, remarked that history is being made and since the seminary recognizes the importance of documentation, the book in honour of the celebrants was written for posterity sake as a testimony to their unparalleled works. The review of the book was done by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Benedict Etafo. He gave a very detailed review that one of the celebrants remarked that there may be no need to read the book again. The book was unveiled by the celebrants present and was launched by the celebrants, other bishops present and some invited guests. The Yoruba liturgical-cultural group thrilled everyone with scintillating dance moves. Gifts were presented to the celebrants by the seminary and Most Rev. Alaba Job gave the response on behalf of the celebrants. He thanked the Seminary community for honouring them in such manner. In his closing remarks, the host bishop, Most Rev. Gabriel ’Leke Abegunrin thanked everyone, especially the formators and seminarians for all the efforts and talents put into organizing the program; one which will stand out in the annals of history, that may be difficult to replicate. The Dean of Students and Chairman Jubilee Celebration Organizing Committee, Very Rev. Fr. Kenneth Adesina, gave the vote of thanks. He said that the success of the program is in the fact that we will make conscious efforts to emulate the celebrants and keep up the standard which they have established. The benediction was given by His Eminence, John Cardinal Onaiyekan, and everyone departed in joy, having witnessed to this historic and memorable event.


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