Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
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Thursday, May 13, 2021

According to Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, arts. 118 and 153, “Intellectual formation is aimed at enabling seminarians to enter into fruitful dialogue with the contemporary world, and to uphold the truth of the faith by the light of reason, thereby revealing its beauty. Thus, all disciplines must be taught in such a way as to make their intimate connection stand out clearly, avoiding fragmentation.” With this in mind, the Philosophy Department held her Second Departmental Lecture of the session on the 30th of April, 2021, in the Seminary Auditorium. The lecture, which was titled, “African Feminism as Decolonization: The Political Philosophy of Alimotu Pelewura,” was delivered by Dr. Mrs. Victroia Openif’Oluwa Akoleowo, and moderated by Sr. Dr. Mary Christine Ugobi-Onyemere, IHM.

The program, which was graced by seminarians from different Religious Congregations, in-house Seminarians, formators as well as lecturers of the Philosophy Department, began at about 4:00pm, with the opening prayer, led by Jude Amamtem. During the lecture, the speaker, having examined the Political Philosophy of Alimotu Pelewura as a study under African feminism aiding decolonization, emphasized that the history of Africa and African Philosophy will be incomplete without a tradition of activism and solidarity. Therefore, it is important that the decolonization efforts should be a joint effort.

After a moment of interesting questions, reactions and contributions by all present, the event finally came to an end with the Regina Caeli and closing prayer, led by Aneh Marcus, and the Benediction which was given by Fr. Joseph Aniaga, at about 6:04pm, and a group photograph, afterwards.


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