Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Monday, February 22, 2021

The human formation, being the foundation of all priestly formation, seeks to promote the integral growth of the person, with the aim of helping the candidate to attain a level of social and psychosexual maturation, in view of an authentic exercise of the priestly ministry. Accordingly, as part of her desire for a holistic formation of future priests, the Seminary organizes a session on sexuality for her seminarians, twice in a session, with Professor Michael Asuzu. The first session of the 2020/2021 edition, was held on the 3rd of February, 2021, in the Seminary Auditorium, at exactly 4:00pm. At the lecture, the guest lecturer made a thought-provoking statement, saying, “The Church does not need new priests, the Church has enough priests, what the Church needs are holy, celibate, consecrated priests.” Furthermore, he went on to clarify the difference between sex and sexuality. He, then charged all to possess chastity, for the good of the Church and effectiveness of one’s priesthood. At the end of the lecture, questions were raised and these were adequately responded to by the professor.


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