Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Following the directives of the Holy Father, Pope Francis, as contained in his apostolicletter, Motu Proprio Aperuit illis”, that every Third Sunday of Ordinary time should be devoted to the celebration, study and dissemination of the Word of God, the SeminaryCommunity,on the 24th of January, 2021, began this celebration with the Holy Mass in the Seminary Chapel,where special references were made to the Bible as the visible Word of God, including a prayer of commitment to the Bible, which was done immediately after the Creed, and the blessing of Biblesafter the Post Communion Prayer.The celebration which was twofold featured theLectio Divina, at about 12:00pm. Lectio Divina is a traditionalpractice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayers for the purpose of increasing the knowledge of the word of God.This was presided over by Fr. Joseph-Young Aniaga, who gave a delicate talk on the celebration of the day and its necessity, then, followed by 30 minutes personal of meditation on the Word of God, after which the Midday prayer was said to end the programme.


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