Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Regarded as the forty-day period before the Feast of Easter, the Season of Lent is considered as a period of time during which people attempt to become more sensitive to the role of sin in their lives; an awareness that the Church brings to the mind of her faithful, with the call to also be vigilant, to fast, to pray and to give alms to the poor. This privileged season, wherein the Church guides her faithful and calls all to enter into a journey of penance that will lead all out of darkness to reconciliation and forgiveness, begins with the Holy Day of Obligation, known as ‘Ash Wednesday’.  The commemoration of ‘Ash Wednesday’ involves, aside the celebration of the Holy Mass, the signing of ashes in the form of a cross on the foreheads of all Catholics, as a reminder that ‘they are dust and unto dust they shall return’, and as a sign of contrition for sins. The commemoration of Ash Wednesday for this Liturgical Year A was observed on 26th February, 2020. The Holy Mass on this day was presided over by Rev. Fr. Dr. Kenneth Adesina, with the presence of concelebrating priests, seminarians and a few other members of the worshipping community. We wish everyone a spirit-filled season of Lent, and pray that the graces ensuing from this would have lasting effects in our lives.


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