Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Sunday, January 19, 2020

A section of members of the Pious Society in the Archdiocese of Ibadan, known as the Companions of Priests and Religious, were present at Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, Ibadan, on the 19th of January, 2020, both for courtesy and for their annual meetings in the seminary. The members of this society were present at the celebration of the Holy Mass, which began at exactly 7:00am, with Rev. Fr. Augustine Famoriyo as the Chief Celebrant. At the close of the Mass, the Chief Celebrant recognized their presence, welcomed them on behalf of the Rector, Rev. Fr. Anthony Ewherido, and appreciated them for all they do to foster God’s kingdom on earth. He also assured them of the seminary’s constant prayers for them in their chosen vocation, and in the exercise of their duties as members of the Church. The members of this pious society came afterwards for thanksgiving, in appreciation to God for His mercies. Immediately after the Holy Mass, they proceeded to the Lecture Theatre where they had their meeting. We appreciate their goodwill towards priests and religious, as we also place them in the maternal care of our Mother Mary.


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