Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Monday, January 13, 2020

The Christmas holiday is one that the community of Saints Peter and Paul Major Seminary, Bodija, looks forward to and awaits with eager longing. This is not simply because of the joyful moments of the Christmas Season, but also because, during this period, some of the Fourth Year Theology seminarians of various dioceses are raised to the Order of Diaconate. The Order of Diaconate is the entrance into the clerical state and the first of the three levels in the Holy Orders – Diaconate, Priesthood and Episcopacy. It is, however, a ministry (order) of ‘service’ to God and the Church. Upon resumption in January 2020, the seminary was privileged to have a total number of 17 deacons from 5 Archdioceses and Dioceses: Archdiocese of Benin (3 Deacons), Archdiocese of Lagos (4 Deacons), Diocese of Bomadi  (4 Deacons), Diocese of Issele-Uku (2 Deacons), and the Diocese of Abeokuta (4 Deacons). As we congratulate them for this unmerited gift from God, we pray that He will grant them the graces necessary to be faithful and effective ministers in His Church.


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