Saints Peter & Paul Major Seminary
Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Friday, November 1, 2019

The celebration of the triumph of God’s grace is the prime motive for the celebration of the Solemnity of All Saints, as celebrated by the Catholic Church. The solemnity, which honours men and women, who lived their lives pleasing God and have now attained that perfect union with God, reminds all of us that we are called to share in the holiness of God himself by living holy lives on earth. The saints were ordinary people, who did ordinary things in extraordinary ways for the love of God and neighbor. Hence, the journey towards sainthood and the saintly state itself is not reserved for supernatural beings, but meant for humans like ourselves. The Church dedicates the 1st of November, every year, to celebrate the saints – both those already recognized by the Church and those not yet. The Seminary of Saints Peter & Paul marked this celebration by declaring a lecture-free day and outing for all her students. The Holy Mass, which began at 7am, had the presence of Rev. Fr. Joseph Iyamah as the Chief Celebrant, alongside concelebrating priests, seminarians and some lay members. The day was then brought to its close with Benediction which began at 6:30pm.


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